
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The MIA FDQ is back

Hello hello helloooooooooooo!!!
After what seems like FOREVER n EVER, FDQ is back in action (well, sort of).
I'm reporting live from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. If you ain't quite sure where this food-wonderland is location, feel free to Google map. It's somewhere at the tail of the dog, if u even understand what this means. (Well, literally the East Malaysia resembles a (cacat) dog with Sabah being the dog head and Sarawak being the body of the dog). Kuching is the capital city of Sarawak which is saturated with delicious local delicacies from kolo mee to laksa, kueh chap, satay, ice kacang, beef noodle to CHICKEN RICE!!! Not the Singapore chicken rice, it's the deep fried chicken type of chicken rice. Nevermind if you don't get what I meant, because I know you know what I meant. XD See, isn't our blog informative? You get FREE GEOGRAPHY LESSON for free! =) Tourism Board of Malaysia should consider me to be their ambassador instead. *blows nails*

Check Spelling
Anyhooo..I just got back from Johor Baru (the Malaysian state closest to Singapore). After 6 days of constant feasting, 5 x crabs, 3 x bak kut teh, 3 x fish, 2 x stewed pork, 2 x prawns, 2 x lobsters n 4583845 mouthful of junk foods, I OFFICIALLY DECLARE THAT FDQ NEEDS INTENSE DIET ROUTINE NOW. Pftt... But twas a good trip. Pls dont get me started on the massive shopping Mummy FDQ did in JB. She was <---------------this-----------> close to bringing the whole JB back to Kuching. -_______-"

Before I start to bore anyone, it's time to seal this post with a kiss. Well done if you managed to read my post this far! This means we are such boring ppl, we desperately need more things to do before we got covered by moulds.

Sorry ppl, was trying to upload some photos of the foods I've tried in JB but stupid dumb dumb blogspot doesnt let me to do so. My apologies. Let's just imagine the yummy creamy salted egg mud crab...

Much love,
*big barney hug*

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